Thursday, February 28, 2019
KAHITSAN (Sizzling Tapsihan) By Camille Hazel Diaz To Ms. Girlie L. Fernandez A thesis submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the bachelor of Science in pipeline Administration Major in Marketing Management ABE International contrast College-Fairview March 20, 2013 INTRODUCTION Tapsilog is an original dish of the Filipinos which became a favorite since it was firstly created. Tap means tapa, Si means sinangag or fried sieve and Log for itlog or egg. This kind of food is popular for Filipinos collect to its inwardness and tastiness with the combination of fried rice and egg.Kahitsan is subtle eatery concept religious offering gritty quality yet low-priced traditional Filipino food. It was originated from the discussion Kahit Saan, the word we used to hear every time we ask person where they want to eat. This concept was hold to let the people know that Kahit Saan similarly exist as a small eatery providing wide varieties of filipino dishes. Kahitsan is primed(p) at the eastern end of Claro M. Recto Avenue due to high engrossment of colleges and universities found in the area.It serves a variety of mouth-watering Sizzling Silog repasts such(prenominal) as TapSiLog, ToSiLog, CornSiLog, SigSiLog, PorkSiLog, BurgerSiLog, HotSiLog, ChixSiLog, and LongSiLog with a combination of Bulalo Soup. The gravy made it even more than delicious and serves it on a sizzling plate. We offered a delicious and afford qualified price that gives a satisfaction to our guest that they surely get what they paying off. THESIS STATEMENT Nowadays, people tend to eat outside due to busy days. Some students were not able to bring their own baon in particular colleges. KahitSan appropriates returnss to valuable customers.Our main target market are students and another(prenominal) professionals who work near into our location. Kahitsan maintains product consistency to provide the customers the same high quality they received every time they go to our reg ularize. Our strategy is to build more customers in order to increase revenue. Unlike other small eatery, kahitsan have separate take-out counter for those customers who prefer to eat at variant place, this testament also be an advantage because kahitsan ordain be able to receive additional income even the place were full of customers. We also provide loyalty peckers for an effective way of increasing sales from a specific customer.This card will be showed when they order to us. Effectiveness of this card is due to the provided sense of and it additional cling to to customers gives the feeling of value. gross sales TECHNIQUES Kahitsans strategy is based on delivering a strong customer value proposition in a niche market. Our location is full of colleges and professionals that do not have endless opportunities for dining out. Our competitive edge is to be the first eatery tapsilogan along Claro M. Recto Avenue, in a friendly, non-smoking, customer-oriented dine in friendship a nd first to have its separate takeout counter.To drive customers to Kahitsan, we will exercise several techniques outlined below. * Coupon coupon will be abandoned to people who passed by our store to inform them about our menus. * Flyers will be used for the advertisements which bring in customers. * (Word of Mouth) Encourage customers to become regular customers, and to give tongue to all their friends and acquaintances about the great experiences and time that they shared to us. * Facebook Fan knave is an essential tool to promote my business. * Barkada Meals good for 3 to 5 persons. SALES OPERATION/SERVICESKahitsan will be operating for 14 hours from 7am in the forenoon up to 9pm in the evening. Well be planning to open our store ahead from our competitors so early risers will tend to eat breakfast in our place. Our products will be served fast and ready to consume and will be an alternative to the usual fast-food options available in todays market. Kahitsan will not shu t away its business on Sundays to give our employees a rest. Checking of inventories on Sundays will be an advantage so we will know the food supplies we need to replenish for the whole 6 days operation. Take-out counter Kahitsan will be providing a separate takeout counter for those customer who wants to buy our products and serves as pasalubong for their families, friends and assistant * 15 tables (good for 4 persons) Kahitsan will be having 15 tables with a minimal of 4 chairs each table to suits those customers who came with their friends. It is better to provide a whopping no. of tables instead of a few which pushed the others to hazard another place instead of waiting others to finish eating. POS (Point of sale) system All sales data will be logged on our POS system so we can breed our sales automatically instead of just writing it on a paper. * Loyalty cards After 10 meals purchased, the 11th will be less 50% discount. * Bulletin Kahitsan kahitsan will be announcin g some promos to be posted in our bulletin. MENU Tapsilog P40. 00 Chicksilog P45. 00 Hotsilog P40. 00 Sigsilog P45. 00 Barkada Meal P95 Silog MealsPriceDrinksPrice TosilogP40. 00 blast 8ozP12. 00 Cornisilog P40. 00Coke 1L P30. 00 LongsilogP40. 00 rush Dew P20. 00 Burgersilog P45. 0Mineral Water P12. 00 Porksilog P45. 00Water P0. 00 mesh SALES per dayper month Tapsilog P40 x 30 = P1200 P32400 Longsilog P40 x 8 =P320 P8640 Hotsilog P40 x 7 =P280 P7560 Cornsilog P40 x 5 =P200 P5400 Tosilog P40 x 5 =P200 P5400 Chicksilog P45 x 20 =P900 P24300 Sigsilog P45 x 25 =P1125 P30275 Porksilog P45 x 10 =P450 P12150 Burgersilog P45 x 10 =P450 P12150 Barkada Meal P95 x 5 =P475 P12825 Extra Rice P8 x 80 =P640 P17280 Coke 8oz P12 x 10 =P120 P3240 Coke/Sprite 1L P30 x 5 =P150 P4050 Mountain Dew P20 x 3 =P60 P1620Mineral Water P12 X10 =P120 P3240 TOTAL GROSS SALESP6690 P180630 EXPENSES EquipmentsP25000 take away ExpenseP12000 Salary ExpenseP25000 Food Supplies ExpenseP55000 Utilities ExpenseP4000 Mi scellaneous ExpenseP10000 TOTALP121000 SALESP180630 LessEXPENSESP121000 NET additionP59630 (monthly) CONCLUSION KahitSan is strategically located at Claro M. Recto Avenue serving not only large no. of students but professionals as well. KahitSan will be providing a hassle free service to all our valued customer especially for those who finds place to eat and just relax for a bantam time.Our main goal is to gain more customers and retain those that patronize our service by giving them an excellent customer service. Responsible profit will fairly compensate and reward employees for their hard work, loyalty and commitment. Kahitsan will find different ways that will make our customers satisfied with our service. The market will definitely respond and grow quickly on the next 3 years and establish 2 store locations in different place. BIBLIOGRAPHY http//www. bplans. com/healthy_restaurant_business_plan http//www. entrepreneur. com. ph/board/index. php? action=search2 http//en. wikiped ia. org/wiki/University_Belt
Done But Need Reference
health Policy and Law Basics Lisa Aquinas Dry. Sherry Grover Health Policy and Law 1/24/15 The perspective that guide chosen was the professional autonomy perspective. The reason I picked this one is because of the advantages and what I would look for from a mendeleviums office. One advantage is the convenient hours the physicians office has. The hours would be Monday thru Thursday they are open to am to pm and Friday hours would be am to pm and Saturday hours would be Bam to 1 pm.A lot of patients work bowl moieties till pm and weednot make it to the fastens till at least 7 or pm, also a lot of patients might not be equal to make it to the doctors till the weekend if they work late at night. another(prenominal) advantage is that patients should be offered and allowed to make voluntary choices for life changing health care interventions that they get out or will not receive. Some disadvantages are the sign on of patients they physician will see and treat. It is not right fo r a doctor to only treat certain types of patients when all patients should be treated the secern and not different than anyone else.Another disadvantage would be the type and information that the physician will disclose to the patients. totally patients should be told all information and neer left in the dark ab extinct anything especially if it has to do with the patient. All patients would shoot to have redress that is required by the law in order to be seen. If a patient does not have redress they will be required to apply for aesculapian help forwards they are seen at the hospital. If a patient does not qualify for medical assistance and cannot afford insurance they would be seen and then asked to fill out a paper to see if they qualify for charity help thru the hospital.At the hospital no can be turned away. Another key dowery is the HIPPO It is a law that everyone should have to follow the HIPPO law. When a patient would come in to the hospital the patient would hav e to sign a HIPPO form as part of the paper work. No one in the hospital is allowed to give any information almost the patient to anyone unless the patient gives permission in writing. Another one would be where someone would have health insurance butte would accept the insurance.Someone who has medical assistance will be treated in the hospital because they have insurance thru the put forward which is run by the government. When someone who has medical assistance will be treated for what is wrong but the patient will be told what is not covered by the insurance and payment arrangements would be made. The patients that have Medicaid the government will make payments to the hospital for the services they are provided. arrangement regulations and rules are made for Medicaid over 40 years became a true(a) battleground for the program.Medicaid regulations that are passed by the federal department of health and gay services and the state -level agencies are what brought the program to life. In every state there is a organization and separate character. Most important constitution provisions are written in broad terms that conk to may intelligent controversies because there are to many competing approaches and theories so can interpret ambiguous constitution phrases. In the state of Massachusetts the sovereign Court has ruled the death penalty is prohibited under the states constitution.And Marshlands constitution requires a jury to order to convict a person of a crime. A statute must be written results in the occupy for courts to interpret and apply general statues to a lot of specific legal cases, this is called statutory construction. For power of ruling congress may delegate adjudicatory and enforcement powers to the administration agencies. Because these are not located in the executive, rather than the juridic branch they must still provide the Bill of rights.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Alcuin and Charlemagne
Charlemagne was the king of the Franks from 768 to 814. He was kn let to be the virtually powerful Christian ruler and brought winner to his commonwealth. Charlemagne was thoroughlyhead educated and good looking. His strong voice allowed him to express what he had to say in a very eloquent manner. He was most famous for doubling the territory that his father had previously conquered. With his determination and persistence, Charlemagne became whizz of the most dignified rulers of the early middle ages. Charlemagnes determination allowed him to expand his empire.He undertook 54 military campaigns during his rule. He similarly lead his armies into Italy to conquer the Lombard State. His army besides invaded the kingdom of the Bavarians and took them under control. During his rule, Charlemagne insisted the Saxons convert to Christianity and soon took them over. In turn, adding more land to the growing Carolingian empire. (Speilvogel p. 138) An interesting characteristic of Charle magne was his strong desire to learn. He studied foreign languages such as Latin and Greek. He knowledgeable from excellent scholars such as Peter of Pisa and Alcuin of York.Charlemagne established a castling school and encouraged other scholars from across Europe to come to the Carolingian court. He focused learning about liberal arts also took lessons in grammar. Charlemagnes love of learning inspired others to obtain educations and maintained the liable(p) life of the Catholic church. (Speilvogel p140-141) (Einhard Life of Charlemagne) Not only was Charlemagne good at conquering land but he also did very well at governing the land he conquered. He was a clever ruler and knew he had to keep the nobles in his service.To do this he tending(p) part of the royal lands as lifetime hold waterings to nobles who assisted him. Charlemagne also knew that he could not let the counts gain more power then him. To hold more control over his kingdom, Charlemagne required counts to serve out side their own family lands. He also sent out messengers of the lord king to run off on the counts and make sure they were following the kings demands. One last function that Charlemagne realized was the valuable assistance that the Catholic church could provide for him. He decided to create new bishoprics and archbishoprics while restoring old ones. Speilvogel p. 138-139) Charlemagne made many a(prenominal) an(prenominal) accomplishments during his rule. His first and biggest accomplishment was increasing the Frank Kingdom. His territory stretched over the bulk of Europe. Charlemagne was able to subdue the barbarous tribes in Germany which was something other Kings could not accomplish. He also made good relationships with emperors of Constantinople. Being a devote Christian, Charlemagne create the beautiful church at Aix-la-Chapelle. Finally, Charlemagne took allot of the poor in his country and sent money to the poor in other countries. (Speilvogel p. 139)As you can see, Ch arlemagne had many characteristics of a successful ruler. He was determine expand his empire and he did. He also was good at governing his people. Charlemagne was very well educated and it showed through when whenever he spoke with eloquence. Also, Charlemagne was able to make continual accomplishments such as working on the Church reform, taking care of the poor, and building good relationships with other countries. Charlemagne was so respected that even the pope called upon him to help during the Roman rebellion. All of these things are what made Charlemagne one of the greatest Kings of all time.
The School Systems on Bilingual Education
Throughout the world, spoken linguistic communication defines who you are and where you come from. Something unique to the fall in States of America is that we not however kick in one run-in that unites us, we have hundreds that separate us that is the totality of the problem. Instead of forcing nation to learn incline as soon as they enter the country, the government has been mollycoddling and pampering non-English speakers. Such programs as bilingual program line have been at the source of the problem. Bilingual coaching has said to legion(predicate) foreigners that its ok if you come to America and dont speak English, its besides our verbiage, but well cater to you. It all simmers down to one wide point that bilingual tuition is not necessary and is harmful to the United States as a whole.Voting ballots were but sent out in the mail last week. Something was very noticeable, not however was it in English, but it was in Spanish as well. One very common contract that English education in this country has not improved was just sent to millions of voters all over the country. If things do not improve, the children of those Spanish talk citizens, in ten twenty old age down the road, will be as illiterate in English as they were the day they were born.The share of American lifetime 50 years hence will unconquerable by what happens in elementary school classrooms where immigrants children are learning or not learning English (Barone). Everything that influences a childs life happens in their early years, and if English does not influence them then, they may never be. for many years Latino kids failed to learn enough English to punctuate well on tests and qualify for good jobs, thanks to bilingual education, which in most cases was neither bilingual or education(Barone) The school establishment for non-native speakers seems not only inadequate, but in the need of great reform. ducking seems to be the only answer to that great problem.It is not only theorized that immersing and pedagogics straight English would be the solution, it was actually tested out. Last June, atomic number 20 was the first state to completely do a delegacy with bilingual education with Proposition 227. The proposition mandated that these students take English immersion classes, unless their parents specifically bespeak that they continue traditional bilingual education programs. (Forbes) The government gave parents the right to relinquish their children to continue with the slower bilingual programs instead of letting them mainstream into English. Not only were educators against this move, but also President Clinton himself did not forgive it. (Samuelson) The results, however, were overwhelming. Test rack up of children from Spanish-speaking families.rose. In second grade, average reading scores of students with restrict English ability have jumped in the past two years from the 19th percentile nationally to the 28th percentile. In ma th, the same students went from the twenty-seventh to the 41st percentile.. (Samuelson). With everyone against this new idea of reform for schooling, not only did they succeed, they out-witted 28 and 41 percent of the country. Something must be done right if such(prenominal) numbers jump in such a short inwardness of time. The kids have taken to English and are absorbing it like sponges (Wildavsky). younger students have more of the want and the need to learn, they dont deform lazy or intolerant of school, something that develops during the teenage years. They have gained a language and a new place and outlook on the world.Along with this unfluctuating paced English education called immersion, comes along a new individuality. Until a psyche understands and can speak the language of the country, he or she doesnt real feel like a citizen, or an American. Many immigrants want this education for their sons and daughters, so that they can have a better life in this country knowin g English, unlike them. A recent national eyeshot conducted by Public Agenda, a nonpartisan organization, reports that 75 percent of the foreign parents say that the schools first priority should be to memorise English quickly.. (Pedalino Porter) Immigrant parents are usually very strict on the English education issue, like most parents feel, they want their children to grow up and have it a path American lives, better lives than their parents had back where they came from. Not only do these parents condone the teaching of straight English, they become quite rowdy if it doesnt happen. In Los Angeles, the parents of Mexican-American childrenin the Ninth Street School staged a boycott, property their children out of school for several days in 1996 to protest the school principals unwillingness to increase the amount of English language instruction after appeals by the parents (Pedalino Porter) The passion that these parents possess is so rough for their wish for their children t o have a better life, they would give up or protest anything, including a couple of days of their childs education. Of course, my parents replied. What would they not do for their childrens well-being? (Rodriguez 532). With every parent comes that special tie with a child, life seems so trivial when you can give everything you have to better that childs life and education.With the knowledge of English, American identity is finally found. I came to believe what had been technically true since my birth I was an American citizen (Rodriguez 533). That identity can only be found by means of the English language, the only official and primary language of our country. The English language is what makes us, it is our identity, and it signifies that we are from America, one of the only countries in the world where a defy can make it as a middle-class person.The downtrodden and persecuted alike lam to our country in hopes of a better future for not only themselves but also their children. Immersion of the English language is the only way that those people and their children can really identify themselves as being American. Without the language, those people are still what they were before, oppressed in the darkness of ignorance and disillusion. The only way to remedy that is to teach our younger generation, and teach them early enough, the only langu
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Examine the roles of the witches in ‘Macbeth’ Essay
In the Elizabethan multiplication, the peck believed in witches and witchcraft. They were described as ugly and evil. today the people would not believe in them. The people in the Elizabethan ages would be very scargond of witches. This was equivalent to the people of straight off macrocosm frightened somewhat terrorists. The people mind that they were powerful beings. They notion that they would cast spells on them they belief that the witches were the ones that influenced the weather and besides someones personality.They were most likely to be old women with moles on their body. If the people cherished to queue up out if someone was a witch or not, they would engage the fair sex onto a ducking stool and then place them under(a) the water for along quantify. If the people saw that the woman was dead they would unimpeachably be relieved, as the woman would not be a witch. If the woman survived for a long time in the water then the people would hear the woman out and then burn them or they would fall down them. For people to be terrified by witches was very common. This was very replete(p) for William Shakespe are beca engagement then he could string the receive much more than frightening. This would be equivalent to a horror film present tense.There are terce or four depictions in the book, which include the witches. In the beginning the witches are just making plans about where to meet again. They say that they are musical mode out to meet Macbeth on top of the Heath. This scene is historic because this is where the witches are obese the consultation about where they are going to even out the predictions. Another scene that involves the witches is when they are explaining the predictions to Macbeth and Banquo. The three predictions are Macbeth will be Thane of CawdorAll address Macbeth, come in to thee Thane of CawdorHe will be kingAll hail Macbeth, that shalt be king here afterBanquos children will be king after(to Banquo) T hou shalt get kings, though thou be noneMacbeth is very surprised at this point because he says to himself,The Thane of Cawdor livesThese predictions are very important because they set the scene for the rest of the play. Further into the book, Macbeth kills poof Duncan and Banquo. This happens because the predictions that witches do are coming true. Macbeth wants to hump more information about the predictions, Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me moreThe witches are very important and play a very vital role in the story. They are the ones that made the predictions and they are also the ones that Macbeth needs guidance from. The witches would not be very realistic for a innovational earreach because the people present dont believe in witches. In the Elizabethan times the scenes with the witches would be very terrifying and horrific for the consultation because the people of that time would believe in witches and thought that they were evil and possessed special powers. Nowaday s, the auditory modality because of good acting would appreciate the people who would act as witches, and they would also think that the story was well written. The audience would be as scare with the apparitions as they would be with the scenes with the witches. A modern audience will find the scene very interesting.The two characters that meet the witches are Macbeth and Banquo. When they met the witches, both of them had diametric views about them. When Macbeth sees the witches he says,Speak if you can what are you?Macbeth believed in the predictions that the witches made and he took it very seriously. On the other hand Banquo takes it more light as it would not affect him, it would affect his children. The audience in the Elizabethan times would favour Macbeth more than Banquo as Macbeth takes the witches much more seriously. Nowadays, not many people would believe in witches and witchcraft and so would not believe in the spells and predictions. The people nowadays would fav our Banquo. Banquo and the people of nowadays would agree that the predictions are not true. He has a dream and he starts to believe in the witches,To you they harbour showd some the trueThis shows that Banquos views seem to miscellanea. Macbeth starts to take the witches much more seriously when he finds out that their predictions are coming true.There is a lot of spectacular impact in the play. The drama includes the battles in the beginning when the Norwegians try to take over Scotland the murders of king Duncan and Banquo the hallucination that Macbeth sees with the dagger, which is full of blood and it, is taking him towards cleansing king Duncan and the witches with their spells and the predictions. The witches are some of the most important characters in the play because they are the ones who cast the spells and also make the important predictions.The witches would make a salient impact on the stage. When the witches cast the spells then the audience would fight down in a terrified manner. They would believe in what they see because they believed that it was possible that witches existed and it reflected reality.During the Elizabethan times on that point would have been a lot of limitations. For the battles they were scatty sound effects and also the music had to vie live rather of a recording the costumes were not very good when the witches needed to leave there was no smoke effect which would make it much more realistic, notwithstanding they did have a trap door the problem that there was while bring abouting the part of the witches was that females were not allowed to play, so they had to be played by men the setting was unsatisfactory and they did not have lights which meant that they had to perform during the day.An Elizabethan director would portray the witches as being ugly and terrifying. The witches would credibly adopt masks that would have a mole on the face. They would try to make them look like old women because these are th e kinds of people that the public thought were witches. The director would try to make it realistic just to add dramatic impact.An Elizabethan audience would react in a different way compared to a modern audience. An Elizabethan audience would be terrified as this would be equivalent to a horror film nowadays. They would have thought of the witches as being symbols of evil.A modern director would have a bigger advantage when setting up the play. There would be a lot of facilities that the director could use. He could use the sound effects for the battles bonanza and lightening for when witches were casting a spell projection women would allowed to play which would make it much more realistic there would be better scenery they could use curtains at the end of the scene just to explain to the audience that the scene was over and also a modern director could use recorded music instead of having a live band. A modern director might portray the witches the same way that the directors in the Elizabethan times would have except that the part of the witches would be played by real characters. They might use special effects to show witches disappear.A modern audience would react differently after watching the play. They would not believe in witches because they know that it has been proven that witches dont exist. A modern audience would not react to the play as if it was a horror film but they would think of the play as being very good and interesting. They would watch it for entertainment and the special effects would have dramatic impact on the audience.The impact on the audience would change over the years. The people would not believe in it because they will know that it is proven that witches dont exist which is why the reaction of the audience would change over time.There were a lot of differences between Elizabethan and modern interpretations of the witches. The director in the Elizabethan times would make the witches wear costumes, and they would try to make them scary for the audience. The audience in the Elizabethan time would be scared as they thought witches were real, whereas a modern audience would not think of it as a horror film but as an interesting story.
How could the Holocaust have beet prevented Essay
You aim probably hear about a conclusion of time, non so long ago, kn make as The final solution. A holocaust, accord to Websters dictionary, is a complete destruction by fire (Stadtler, 1). In atomic number 63, during this period, there was a complete destruction by fire of Judaic homes, Judaic businesses, Judaic neighborhoods, and Jewish spate. This destruction was carried out nether the nidus of Adolf Hitler, during the age 1939-1945, but it actu everyy began earlier, in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany.In my opinion, the Holocaust, which was cause by ignorance, could very well adjudge been prevented. There were many healthy nations, such as the joined Stated, the USSR, and Britain, whose leaders and militaries could have stepped in and helped the Jewish people who were facing extremely brutal persecution. through with(predicate)out virtu everyy of the war, the American brass clung to the delusion that the Nazis were persecuting the Jews because of their political or ghostlike beliefs. The U.S. unopen its gates to emigration from atomic number 63 in 1940-1941, when Jews were still allowed to emigrate. antisemitism in America actually increased during the war and started to decline besides at the end of it (Bauer, 297).A Soviet attitude toward the murder of the Jews exactly did non exist. While fighting a desperate battle for its own survival, Britain saved the Jews of Palestine, North Africa, and much of the British Empire from the fate of European Jewry. The British fought more everywhere for themselves, but the defense of their own interests coincided with the defense of civilised humanity, including the Jews (Bauer, 296). The May 1939 White Paper on immigration to Palestine state that immigration to Palestine would end later on 75,000 had been admitted between 1939 and 1944. When war stony-broke out, the British decreed that no enemy nationals could enter Palestine, which in effect, c meetd the doors to those who needing rescue most, specifically the European Jews trying to escape the Nazis.At first, the mind of such destruction in Europe was incomprehensible to otherwise Nations. They heard of what was occurring, but did not believe it, and therefore did postal code. The suffering of hundreds of thousands, soon of millions, was evident for consciences to be aroused, for steps to be taken.Nothing was make (Bauer, 297).I musical note the ignorance of these Nations was the cause of the loss of 6 million lives. Had these Nations not turned their heads forth and ignored what was happening, they could have saved many lives and prevented the Holocaust. By allowing emigration from Europe into their countries, by trying to negotiate with Hitler, or if worse came to worse, assassinating Hitler, things might have been different. By not recognizing the events leading to the Holocaust and of the Holocaust, they in addition caused the Holocaust on with Adolf Hitler. The Holocaust could only have been pr evented by the World Powers, but they failed to do so because they were so ignorant.During the 19th century, European Jewry was be emancipated, and in most European countries, Jews were achieving some tolerableity of status with non-Jews. N wizardtheless, at times, Jews were vilified and harassed by anti-semitic groups. Indeed, some anti-Semites believed that Jewry was an alien race not assimilable into a European culture, but they did not formulate any coherent anti-Semitic campaign until Hitler came to power.Germany was beatinged in World War I after a four year struggle that leftfield its people fatigue and divided. The harsh peace terms of the Versailles Treaty placed a doughy economic burden on them. in front the war Germany had thought of itself as Europes greatest nation. Now it was confused, bitter, and economically crippled, its wealth flow to pay the vast sums demanded by the Versailles Peace Treaty.Rising inflation left many Germans poor and others jobless. Politi cal differences exploded in assassinations and street fighting. The invigorated democratic government of Germany, the Weimar Republic, was unable to prevent disorder and caused people to lose faith in democracy. With Germans of all outlooks desperately seeking ascendants for the nations problems, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party began their climb to power. Hitler was gifted with effective political talents.He offered an explanation for Germanys defeat, and a vision of Germanys future destiny, that compete upon the fears, prejudices, and hopes of many Germans. He promised to rebuildGermanys power and restore its prosperity (Isaacman, 16). This won the support of many Germans. Hitler was such an effective speaker that anything he said was believed even if it was not true.Hitler believed that the German people were part of an Indo-Aryan race, a superior group that should be kept pure to conform to their mission of ruling the world. He felt that the Jewish people were sub-human, wh en in actuality they were virtually the same as his Aryan race. Not only did Hitler have a personal hatred toward the Jewish people, but he also blamed them for stabbing Germany in the back after Germanys defeat in World War I. Hitler used them as scapegoats because they were a nonage and were easy to put the blame on. Historians agree that the Holocaust resulted from a confluence of various factors in a complex historical situation.That anti-Semitism festered end-to-end the centuries in European culture is centrally important the Jews were (and are) a nonage acculturation in a majority environment. In periods of crisis, instead of curious for the ascendant of such crisis within the majority culture, the majority will consort to project blame for the crisis on a minority which is both over-the-hill(prenominal) and weak. As the originators and bearers of an important part of civilization, the Jews are a father civilization against which pent up aggressions are easily unleashe d (Bauer, 330). Anti-Semitism had always compete a role in Nazi propaganda, for Hitler blamed most of Germanys problems on the Jews. Anti-Jewish laws of every kind were passed. Jews could no longer be judges, lawyers, teachers, government officials, army officers. Jewish doctors could not treat non-Jewish patients, Jews could not employ non-Jews, and Jews and non-Jews could not have social relationships. Jewish property was taken by the government, Jewish businesses were closed down, Jewish children could not attend public schools. All the media were utilized to spread anti-Jewish messages.On the street, Jews were mocked, tormented, and even beaten for no other moderateness but being Jewish. Jewish people were forced to wear adept of David armbands and were often attacked by storm troopers. On November 9-10, 1938, known as Kristallnacht ( shadow of the Broken Glass), hundreds of synagogues throughout Germany were burned by Nazi mobs, windows of Jewish shops were smashed, and tho usands of Jews were arrested. Kristallnacht was a signal to Jews in Germany and Austria to leave as soon as possible. Severalhundred thousand people were able to find haunt in other countries, but a similar number, including many who were old or poor, stayed to face an uncertain fate (Stadtler, 12). The countries of Europe and the United States too, only admitted a small number of Jews.Had these countries made an exception for these people who were being tempered poorly in their home countries there would have been a smaller sum of money of lives lost in the years to come. Throughout the 1930s, conditions for the Jews in Germany worsened. well-nigh people in the United States refused to buy German products in an effort to put pressure on Hitler, but it did not help. This was not enough, the United States was a strong world power and could have done more to aid the Jewish people of Germany. What could a small amount of people not buying German products do? Absolutely nothing becau se Germany was much stronger than these fewer people the aid of an full(a) nation was needed, not the aid of a few people.Since no one was stopping Hitler, he proceeded to enlarge Germanys territory.Threatening to use force if he did not get his way, he gained control of Austria in 1938 and of Czechoslovakia in 1939. Later in 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland, World War II broke out.During the early years of the war, Hitlers armies conquered most of Europe. Millions of Jews were now under German rule, and Hitler felt he was at last in a position to solve the Jewish Question. As Hitler saw it, the Jewish Question was simply the fact that the Jews existed. Therefore, the final solution emerged as a way to destroy them.Throughout Europe, in all the countries under their control- Poland, Western Russia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy, France, Holland, Denmark, Norway- the Jews were rounded up and confined in closeness camps or ghettos. Stripped of their property, brutalized, terrified, and disoriented, they were forced to work as slave laborers in abominable conditions. Many died of starvation and disease. Others were shot or beaten to death. Before long, rumors of this brutality reached capitals of the world, but nothing was done.As the war against the Jews progressed, however, the Nazis turned to large scale centralized killing operations. Jews from all over Europe were loaded into trains and shipped to death camps, among them, Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor.LOCATION OF GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMPSIn the death camps, human life was destroyed quickly and efficiently (Isaacman, 19). under(a) the whips of cruel SS guards, the Jewish victims were herded off the trains and into gas chambers, where they were exterminated by a poisonous gas. Millions of non-Jews were also systematically killed- political opponents, Slavic peoples, and other minorities. In the case of the Jews, the Nazis were determined to annihilate an e ntire people.Some Jews fought back at every possible opportunity. Some Christians, too, tried to help. pickings great personal risks, they hid Jewish friends in their homes or cellars. Many of these people were caught and killed by the Nazis. People willing to take such risks were few and far between in Europe. Had other nations of the world been as blameless and as brave as these people, and combined their efforts, this attempted annihilation of the Jewish people could have been prevented.To some Nazis the final solution was more important than anything else. Though Germany was hemmed in by enemies and fighting for its life, they entertained valuable resources to the extermination machine (Isaacman, 20). Trains that could have carried ammunition to the front were used to transport Jews to death camps. Soldiers who could have been defending their country were instead direct to round up and guard Jewish civilians. After several years of war, Hitler knew he could not defeat America and the other Allies, but he was determined to win at least one victory by wiping out the Jews (Isaacman, 20). The United States and other world powers were too focused on the war to maintain their pride.While in Germany Hitler was trying to wipe an entire people off the face of the Earth. If these other nations of the world were not so ignorant, the lives of six million peoplecould have been saved. Hitler and his Nazi Party treated the Jewish people so inhumanely. He and his party felt that the Jews were biologically different, when in fact they were and are not. Every human being is equal and should be treated equally. No one is superior to anyone else, even though some may have an egocentric attitude. In 1945, Hitler committed suicide. instead than correcting his errors, Hitler took the easy way out by committing suicide.The ultraorthodox Jewish theology unspoiledifies the Holocaust as an act of God, a punishment for sins committed by the Jewish people against their God. Others feel that the Holocaust was a result of mans betrayal to God. I feel that the Holocaust is not at all justified. During the Holocaust, six million Jewish people died, that is more than one-third (about 34 percent) of the Jewish population. From the liberated Nazi camps, weeping skeletons of men and women emerged. Among them were 200,000 Jews. These have to be added to the 210,000 that survived in France, about 37,000 in Belgium, 20,000 in the Netherlands, about 1,900,000 in the Polish-Soviet area, 350,000 in Rumania, 130,000 in Hungary, and smaller numbers elsewhere.Including Soviet Jewry, part of whom were never under Nazi rule, about 3 million Jews were left in Europe out of the original 9 million Jews before the war (Bauer, 334). As I stated before, there is only one thing and one thing only that caused this horrid event called the Holocaust, ignorance. Not just ignorance of the United States and the other world powers, but the ignorance of Hitler and his Nazi Party as well. Had the U.S. and other nations offered aid to the Jewish refugees, and opened their doors to these refugees, they would have saved many lives. Instead, they were just as guilty as the Nazis by luck in the destruction of an entire race.WORKS CITED PAGEBauer, Yehuda. A taradiddle of the Holocaust. smart York Franklin Watts, 1983.Chartock, Roselle, Jack Spencer. The Holocaust Years Society on Trial. New York Bantam Books, 1978.Des Pres, Terrence. The Survivor An Anatomy of Life in the closing Camps. New York Oxford University Press, 1976.Holocaust. Microsoft Encarta (CD ROM). 1993.Stadtler, Bea. The Holocaust A History of Courage and Resistance. New York Behrman House, Inc., 1973.Isaacman, Clara. Pathways Through the Holocaust. New York Ktav Publishing House, Inc., 1988.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Familiarizing students with basics of the science branches
The MYP 3 scientific moderate divide incorporates basic data, noesis, facts, and practical(a) holds of the scientific sub naval divisions, which argon bio synthetical science, chemical science, and natural philosophies. The purpose of the class is to familiarise the savants with the constructs and rudimentss of the scientific curb subdivisions and to guarantee they develop get hold of accomplishments in managing theoretical scientific cognition presented in talk and practical applications offered in school inquiry labs.Course aimsThe MYP 3 scientific right class aims are based on the MYP aims. It encourages and enables school-age childs to1. incur wonder, involvement and enjoyment towards scientific discipline and its methods of enquiry.2. Acquire scientific cognition and apprehension.3. Communicate scientific thoughts, statements and practical experiences in effect in a assortment of ways.4. Develop experimental and fact-finding accomplishments to design and transport out scientific probes and to measure grounds to string a ratiocination.5. Develop critical, originative and asking heads that pose inquiries, pee-pee out crafts, creationaccounts, justice statements and do informed determinations in scientific and other contexts.6. Develop consciousness of the possibilities and restrictions of scientific discipline and appreciate that scientificcognition is germinating by means of cooperative activity locally and internationally.7. Appreciate the birth between scientific discipline and engineering and their function in society.8. Develop consciousness of the moral, ethical, societal, economic, political, ethnic and environmental deductions of the pattern and usage of scientific discipline and engineering.9. Observe rubber eraser regulations and patterns to guarantee a safe subjecting environment during scientific activities.10. capture an consciousness of the demand for and the value of effectual coaction during scientific activities. c lassification of career beings Monera, Protoctista, Fungi, Plants and animate beings .Metamorphosis and enzymes.Plant and animate being cells, specialized cells, tissues, conveyance mechanisms between cells and their environment ( diffusion, osmosis, and active conveyance ) , cell division miosis and mitosis .ChemistryChemical formssolid, liquid and gas atoms, sub atomic atoms, atomic construction and isotopes.The Periodic TableElementss and the periodic tabular array, basis metals, alkalic Earth metals, ease upage metals, halogens and baronial gases.BondingIonic bonds and covalent bonds.Acids and basesProperties of acids and bases, pH graduated table, neutralisation, mundane illustrations.PhysicssBeams and WavesBeams and visible radiation, Torahs of contemplations, level and curving mirrors, divagation of visible radiation, lenses, mundane utilizations of mirrors and lenses, transverse and longitudinal moving ridges, wave equation. approximationThis class will utilize ass ortment of assessment tools including hebdomadal quizzes, unit trials, presentations, undertakings, lab resolve, a.etc. Most of these appraisals will be assessed harmonizing to the following MYP threadbares standard A ONE UniverseThis objective refers to change school-age childs to derive a better apprehension of the function of scientific discipline in society.Students should be cognizant that scientific discipline is a planetary enterprise and that its education and applications can hold effects for our lives.One universe should supply disciples with the destiny to critically measure the deductions of scientific developments and their applications to local and/or planetary issues.At the closing of the class, scholarly persons should be able toa? explain the ways in which scientific discipline is utilize and apply to upset to specific jobs or issues.a? discuss the effectivity of scientific discipline and its application in work outing jobs or issues.a? discuss and me asure the moral, ethical, societal, economic, political, pagan and environmentaldeductions of the usage of scientific discipline and its application in work outing specific jobs or issues. operation microscope stageForm0The school-age child does non addle a standard draw by all of the forms below.1-2-The disciple states one manner in which scientific discipline is applied and used to turn to specific jobs or issues The scholarly person remarks upon the effectivity of scientific discipline and its application in work outing jobs or issues.-The student states how scientific discipline and its application interact with one of the undermentioned factors moral, ethical, societal, economic, political, ethnic and environmental.3-4-The school-age child states the ways in which scientific discipline is applied and used to turn to specific jobs or issues-The scholarly person states the effectivity of scientific discipline and its application in work outing jobs or issues-The sch olarly person states how scientific discipline and its application interact with slightly of the undermentioned factors moral, ethical, societal, economic, political, cultural and environmental.5-6-The pupil describes the ways in which scientific discipline is applied and used to turn to specific jobs or issues. The pupil describes the effectivity of scientific discipline and its application in work outing jobs or issues The pupil describes how scientific discipline and its application interact with some of the undermentioned factors moral, ethical, societal, economic, political, cultural and environmental.Standard B CommunicationThis nonsubjective refers to enabling pupils to go competent and confident when attain oning teaching in scientific discipline. Students should be able to utilize scientific linguistic communication right and a assortment of communicating readiness and formats as appropriate. Students should be cognizant of the importance of admiting and suitably citin g the work of others when settle oning in scientific discipline.At the terminal of the class, pupils should be able toa? usage scientific linguistic communication right.a? usage appropriate communicating manners such as verbal ( unwritten, written ) , opthalmic ( in writing, symbolic ) and communicating formats ( research lab studies, essays, presentations ) to efficaciously pass on theories, thoughts and findings in scientific discipline.a? acknowledge the work of others and the beginnings of information used by suitably documenting them utilizing a recognized referencing system.Achievement storyForm0The pupil does non authorise a standard set forth by any of the forms below.1-2-The pupil uses some scientific linguistic communication.-The pupil communicates little or no scientific information.-The pupil paperss limited or no beginnings of information.3-4-The pupil uses some scientific linguistic communication right.-The pupil communicates scientific information moderately effi caciously. The pupil paperss beginnings of information in a bibliography.5-6-The pupil uses scientific linguistic communication right.-The pupil communicates scientific information efficaciously.-The pupil paperss beginnings of information including bibliography and in-text mentioning.Criterion C KNOWLEDGE AND UnderstandingThis nonsubjective refers to enabling pupils to understand scientific cognition ( facts, thoughts, constructs, procedures, Torahs, rules, theoretical accounts and theories ) and to use it to pee-pee scientific accounts, work out jobs and explicate scientifically supported statements.At the terminal of the class, pupils should be able toa? recall scientific cognition and usage scientific apprehension to build scientific accountsa? use scientific cognition and understanding to work out jobs set in familiar and unfamiliarstate of affairss.a? critically analyze and treasure information to do judgements supported by scientific apprehension.Achievement degreeForm0The pupil does non make a standard expound by any of the forms below.1-2 The pupil recalls some scientific thoughts, constructs and/or procedures.-The pupil applies scientific understanding to work out simple jobs.3-4-The pupil describes scientific thoughts, constructs and/or procedures.-The pupil applies scientific understanding to work out Gordian jobs in familiar state of affairss.-The pupil analyses scientific information by placing parts, relationships or causes.5-6-The pupil uses scientific thoughts, constructs and/or processes right to build scientific accounts. The pupil applies scientific understanding to work out complex jobs including those in unfamiliar state of affairss.-The pupil analyses and evaluates scientific information and makes judgements supported by scientific apprehension.Criterion D SCIENTIFIC INQUIRYThis nonsubjective refers to enabling pupils to develop rational and practical accomplishments to plan and transport out scientific probes independently and to measure the experimental design ( method ) .At the terminal of the class, pupils should be able toa? obligation a focussed job or research inquiry to be tested by a scientific probe.a? explicate a testable hypothesis and explicate it utilizing scientific logical thinking.a? design and carry out scientific probes that accommodate variables and controls, mash and/or equipment needed, a method to be followed and the manner in which the information is to be collected and processeda? measure the rigorousness and dependability of the method.Achievement degreeForm0The pupil does non make a standard described by any of the forms below.1-2-The pupil efforts to province a focussed job or research inquiry. The method suggested is uncomplete.-The pupil suggests simplistic betterments.3-4 The pupil states a focussed job or research inquiry and makes ahypothesis but does non explicate it utilizing scientific logical thinking.-The pupil selects appropriate contracts and equipment and writes a largely complete method, adverting some of the variables touch and how to pull string section them.-The pupil makes remarks on the method, or the accuracy/preciseness of the informations.-The pupil remarks on the cogency of the hypothesis based on the conduce of the probe.-The pupil suggests some betterments to the method or makes suggestions for further enquiry when relevant.5-6-The pupil states a clear focused job or research inquiry, formulates a testable hypothesis and explains the hypothesis utilizing scientific logical thinking. The pupil selects appropriate stuffs and equipment and writes a clear, logical method, adverting all of the relevant variables involved and how to command and pull strings them, and depicting how the information will be collected and processed. The pupil makes remarks on the method, and the truth and preciseness of the informations.-The pupil makes remarks on the how the hypothesis is supported or non by the data/outcome of the probe.-The pupil sug gests realistic betterments to the method and makessuggestions for farther enquiry when relevant.Criterion E Processing DatasThis nonsubjective refers to enabling pupils to ringlet up, procedure and visit sufficient qualitative and/or quantitative informations to pull appropriate decisions. Students are expected to develop analytical thought accomplishments to construe informations and justice the dependability of the informations.At the terminal of the class, pupils should be able toa? collect and record informations utilizing units of measuring as and when appropriatea? organize, convert and present informations utilizing numerical and ocular signifiersa? analyze and construe informationsa? draw decisions consistent with the informations and supported by scientific logical thinking.Achievement degreeForm0The pupil does non make a standard described by any of the forms below.1-2-The pupil collects some informations and efforts to enter it in a suited format.-The pupil organizes and nowadayss informations utilizing simple numerical or ocular signifiers.-The pupil efforts to place a tendency, form or relationship in the information.-The pupil efforts to pull a decision but this is non consistent with the read of the informations.3-4-The pupil collects sufficient relevant informations and records it in a suited format.-The pupil organizes, transforms and nowadayss informations in numerical and/or ocular signifiers, with a few mistakes or skips.-The pupil states a tendency, form or relationship shown in the information.-The pupil draws a decision consistent with the reading of the informations.5-6 The pupil collects sufficient relevant informations and records it in a suited format. The pupil organizes, transforms and nowadayss informations in numerical and/or ocular signifiers logically and right.-The pupil describes a tendency, form or relationship in the informations and uses the informations to convey meaningful information.-The pupil draws a clear decisi on based on the right reading of the informations and explains it utilizing scientific logical thinking.-Numerical signifiers whitethorn include mathematical computations such as averaging, or finding value from a graph or tabular array.Criterion F military posture IN SCIENCEThis nonsubjective refers to encouraging pupils to develop safe, responsible and collaborative workings patterns in practical scientific discipline.During the class, pupils should be able toa? work safely and utilize stuff and equipment aptlya? work responsibly with consider to the keep and dyspneal environmenta? work efficaciously as persons and as portion of a group by join forcesing with others.Achievement degreeForm0The pupil does non make a standard described by any of the forms below.1-2-The pupil requires some interpret to work safely and some aid when utilizing stuff and equipment.-The pupil requires some counsel to work responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment.-When workin g as portion of a group, the pupil call for general reminders tocooperate with others.3-4-The pupil requires microscopic counsel to work safely and small aid when utilizing stuff and equipment..-The pupil works responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment. When working as portion of a group the pupil cooperates with others on mostoccasions.5-6-The pupil requires no counsel to work safely and uses stuff and equipment aptly.-The pupil works responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment.-When working as portion of a group, the pupil cooperates with others.Studentteacher00. The pupil does non make a standard described by any of the forms below.1 21 2. The pupil requires some counsel to work safely and some aid whenutilizing stuff and equipment.. The pupil requires some counsel to work responsibly with respects to the lifeand inanimate environment.. When working as portion of a group, the pupil needs frequent reminders tocooperate with others.3 43 4. The pupil requires small counsel to work safely and small aid when utilizingstuff and equipment.. The pupil works responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment.. When working as portion of a group the pupil cooperates with others on mostoccasions.5 65 6. The pupil requires no counsel to work safely and uses stuff and equipmentaptly.. The pupil works responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment.. When working as portion of a group, the pupil cooperates with others.
Facilitate the Counselling Process Assessment Essay
I contain that this assessment is my stimulate work, based on my own personal investigate/study . I also declare that this assessment, nor parts of it, has not been antecedently submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I endure not copied in part or whole or other than plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I score read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and clear its implications.I also declare, if this is a practical skills assessment, that a Client/Interviewee take to Form has been read and signed by both parties, and where applicable paternal consent has been obtained.1. Name two signs you would look for to let you whop Vara is limit to end way.Two signs I would look for to let me know that Vara is flying to end counselling are, firstly, if Vara is sounding a lot more than convinced(p) and she looks a lot happier, then she probably is. Secondly, if Vara started to run out of issues to prink and discuss in couns elling. I would be able to come that Vara is take in to end counselling.2. concisely describe how you would domiciliate Varas sense of autonomy.I would support Varas sense of autonomy by, acknowledging and helping her to recognise, her achievements since beginning with counselling. I would summarise these achievements for Vara. Vara has spoken to her husband Alec, and do him aware of her feelings. This is whatsoeverthing she found kinda difficult to do in the past. Since Vara communicated her feelings of being fed up and wanting(p) to end the union, Vara and Alec sop up decided to trial a trio month separation. In speaking up for herself she has generated real change in her life. Both Vara and her husband Alec, are looking into the possibility of canvasing a marriage counsellor. In seeking this kind of counselling she is showing strength of character, she is looking for solutions and not just running away from her problems. She has the friendship and support of Julie an d is trying to increase her work hours as a translator. I would accept that it was Vara that made these changes in her life, not me. This pass on empower Vara with the confidence to know that she is a strong and capable women who can stand up for herself.3. Briefly describe how you would inform her most opportunities for further support.I would inform Vara astir(predicate) opportunities for further support, by communicating to her that although our counselling sessions will be glide path to an end, she is always able to reconnect with me, if she feels the exact. Vara has indicated that she and her husband are interested in act marriage counselling. I could provide Vara with some contacts for marriage counselling in her local world. Or, if she felt more comfortable, I could arrange a referral for her to a marriage counsellor that I think would be a well behaved match for her.4. Briefly describe three key steps to financial aid the do by of ending the counselling process wi th this client.I would start this process a few sessions before the final counselling appointment. Firstly, I would get ahead Vara to express any concerns she may have in regards to managing on her own without the support of the counselling relationship. I would be encouraging Vara to express her feelings about ending the counselling relationship. This will give Vara an opportunity to reflect and evolve for ending the counselling sessions. I would set the final appointment old in the future, so that Vara can have time to adjust to the intellection of managing on her own. Secondly, I would plan with Vara to have a longer musical interval between our appointments, so that Vara can try out coping with her issues on her own.This will enable Vara to discuss any lingering issues that may need some attention before ending the counselling relationship. Lastly I would summarise for Vara the progress she has made, and acknowledge all the accomplishments she has made. She is now a stronger more capable women, who can stand up for herself and take care of herself. I would make sure that Vara knows that I have an open door policy, and that if she ever so felt the need to reconnect with me, I would be happy to see her again. 5. discombobulate an usage of what you might say to Vara when ending counselling to ensure the key issues are managed.An example of what I might say to Vara when ending counselling to ensure any underlying issues are managed is, Vara can you describe for me some of the strategies you have been using to help bring about the changes you have made. This will give Vara the opportunity to reflect on how she has implemented these changes, and will reinforce the fact that it was Vara who has facilitated these changes, not me. I would also say what do you think could be some coping skills you could use if these issues start to know up again.This will give Vara the opportunity to reflect on how she has coped with these issues in the past, and to list so me coping strategies that work best for her and her situation. over again this will reinforce the fact that Vara is the one who is coping with her situation, not me. I would also say can you tell me again, what some of your underlying issues have been. This will help Vara identify what the core issues are, and will make it easier for her to recognise if these issues come up again, so that she is ready to deal with them.6. Provide an example of one of your session client notes.Client session notes.Clients Name VaraClients era 56Date of session 20/11/14 session 8Session Duration 60 minutesOthers present vigourStatus of session KeptLocation OfficeInformation disposed by clientVara is a 56 year old round out immigrant. Came to Australia 25 years ago. She has raised 3 children who have all odd home. Feeling very unhappy and trapped in her marriage. Husband is traditionalistic male, who controls finances and has a ferocious temper. She has been secretly working and saving money. S he wants to fail her own life, but fearful of how she will cope on her own. She nevertheless loves her husband Alec. Summary of clients issuesVara has spoken to Alec and they have concord to a 3 month trial separation, they are looking into marriage counselling. I have offered her a list of marriage counsellors in her area and offered a referral if preferred. Vara will be living with her friend Julie during her separation, and will be seeking more work hours as a translator.Notes of counsellorI feel that Vara has made enormous progress in counselling, and believe that at this point she would benefit from marriage counselling. I have agreed to see her again if she feels the need arises.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Review on John Donne’s ‘Holy Sonnet 14’
Poem Holy Sonnet XIV Name of origin bath Donne Imprisoned In the metrical composition Holy Sonnet XIV, washbasin Donne writes about the different imprisonments of life. In his poem he is saying that he has move for the temptations of idols enemy, the tantalise, and he is inquire immortal to function the hold the devil has on him. John portrays that he is trapped and bound by the evils of the devil, and he wishes to be dissociate(11) from the devil to be once again jug by the love of God, either way he knows he neer shall be free(13).The point John is making in this poem is that he loves God and no longer wishes to live with the sins and imprisonment of the devil, however rather be enthralled(13) by God. John first speaks of God as a three-personed God(1), meaning God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. end-to-end the poem John is at a fallen state, where he has fallen so hard it would be almost impossible for him to alone bear the bond that he has with the de vil, to be businesseous and serve God. John is asking God to process him in breaking the bond, asking to Batter(1) his tenderness for God, breaking the unholy bond, the engagement that he has with the devil.John wishes to be the God-loving person he knows he is. John needs Gods powerful shipway to reap him a new person, today some call it a born-again believer, and John so disadvantageously wants God to make me new(4). John feels as if he has been taken over by the devil. John is pleading his case in this poem, to God as to wherefore God should help him, defend him, save him, and make him new. This poem is give care Johns prayer, pleading to God his reasoning in why God should help him, since God is his viceroy(7) that he should want to defend him.John is trapped as if he is held captive, and is weak and untrue to God, but at the same clock time still willingly and joyfully loves God. John uses the word betrothed(10) to strain that he has been tied, or engaged to the devil in his actions and wished to be divorced(11). John is saying he is bound by the devil and doesnt want to be imprisoned by the devil, but instead be imprisoned by God. Its like no matter what class John is on, whether it is the path of the devil, or the path of God, he will be imprisoned either way and never be free.John grew up as a believer in God and he eventually grew to be known as The Great Priest by many people. A great priest doesnt have to stray to far from God to feel as John felt in this poem because no one sin is greater than the other. This was not the first time John had felt he had strayed away from God divorce me, untie, or break that knot again(11). The Holy Sonnet XIV is about a man who felt as if he strayed away from God and how badly he wants God to help him get gumption on the right track, living for Him.John was catholic at a time when anti-catholic sentiment was common. He began to question his faith when his brother Henry died. John then briefly struggled near poverty to support his family for almost 10 years. With him being in hard times and straying away from his religion, to then come to hook back up into his religion is an example of his life and what he valued people to know by reading this poem. After he got back to his normal life, in religion, he then became the priest that we know him to be today.
Persuasive paper Essay
Is it right to weaken? I would state the question in a zero(prenominal)her format, is there a right to pop off? It is the most punishing question to receive an purpose as we focus on citizenry suffering from different conditions, be it psychological, physical or emotional, that beyond doubt, maintain led to terminal illness. I jackpotnot give a straight yes or a straight no. The debate has been so hot in several nations. Several stakeholders atomic number 18 considering going the Oregon federal agency. The whole debate focuses on self-destruction.By way of philosophy and other(a) disciplines of ethics, it is truly difficult to judge whether suicide is defective or right. It has hitherto paused hard questions that get diverse responds from different somebodys. These persons can be philosophers from different eras, different geographical regions, and customs. It is further mesmerizing that those of the homogeneous times, similar traditions, and even same places arrive at d ifferent answers as pertains this very subject.If euthanasia was to be made legal, there are no criteria that can be used to determine the very genuine cases. Those multitude who proposes this action, as they define the rights of a person focuses narrowly on the standard cases only an adult person, who is in his or her right mind, acting in their own volition, putting in consideration his or her own possessions or those entrusted to this person. I would hence question the basis for determining the abnormal circumstances, and the limits that are sensible in todays cultural situation.In this, we prize of the slippery slope concern, soon many another(prenominal) cases will transit to diaphanous strike. We will not have guarantee for hoi polloi who instigate murder and claim that the people they killed were more than willing to die. The people that will give back as victims of this murder are the disable, disadvantaged, or those considered to be undesirable in the society tho se who are a hinderance to their caregivers or even the state, which should be obliged to natural endowment indiscriminate care to all groups of people.Goldberg (n. d), states that, Thus, many U. S. ommentators reverence that, if assisted suicide and euthanasia were legalized, death would be inflicted unwillingly on disabled, disadvantaged, or otherwise undesirable individuals who might be considered a burden by their caregivers or the state (Goldberg, n. d). He continues to say that Biased physicians, family members, or managed care organizations might consciously or subconsciously influence difficult or expensive patients to take advantage of assisted suicide (Goldberg, n. d). It is in addition clear that no human endeavour is immune of abuse. This will settle the Oregon beseechment difficult to trust.Even acting on champions own volition is still not good because many patients may act quickly without enough information of existing medical examination care, thinking that t heir fate is just death. So why wont we trim back the persons self-direction till the person is fully certified? Thinking this way will definitely call for not legalising euthanasia. earth-closet Stuart Mill gives an example of person who wants to cross a broken bridge, as he concludes he says that this person would not really continue to do that if he is fully informed about the dangers of going that way (Mill, 2005).The other concern that we have is that this practice will be in jibe contradiction with the present physicians economic consumption as healer. It is a stipulation that physicians should unendingly do their best to save lives and not destroy them at all. The physicians role should be limited to saving lives as it has been over time. Legalizing euthanasia agent that the physicians role is broadened to the point of the patients advocate in the maters concerning their own health and slipway they want it to be handled.This will arouse the craving of patients to com mit suicide and allow many cases that would otherwise be alleviated, to run to the worst. Still on the issue of rights, every one has a right that is inseparable in nature and anyone should not interfere with the individuals rights. People should therefore exercise their own rights without interfering with others and no one should interfere with the autonomy of this individual. As we say that rights are inherent in an individual, we are express that these person posses this rights because of the life that he has.Without this life, the rights he claims to have are postcode and void. This takes us to the point that no one should interfere with the life because it is the carrier wave of this same rights. Mill states that, But by selling himself for a slave, he abdicates his liberty he forgoes any future use of it, beyond that single(a) act (Mill, 2005, pp 67). He continues to say, He therefore defeats, in his own case, the very purpose which is the justification of allowing him to dispose of himself (Mill, 2005, pp 67).In our case the person who decides to die no long-acting has the autonomy that we advocate to give in allowing them to die. The person defeats his own reason for wanting to die. Mill continues to say, He is no longer free but is thuslyceforth in a position which has no longer the presumption in its favor, that would be afforded by his voluntarily rest in it (Mill, 2005, pp 67). He concludes on this matter that, The principle of freedom cannot require that he should be free not to be free, it is not freedom, to be allowed to alienate his freedom (Mill, p 67).If we have to protect the autonomy of individuals then we should protect their lives too. We can still work without euthanasia because many of our physicians have worked hard and are still working hard to come up will the best palliative care for the terminally ill people. low good circumstances of proper palliative care, this practice will be unnecessary. This care can conserve the dig nity of terminally ill people till they die. It is therefore our responsibility to give them this care rather than to dish up them kill themselves, which is not dignified at all (Chochinov, 2002).Though, the numbers of people supporting euthanasia is growing with time, everyone should think about the above-discussed concerns. This will cooperate each one of us know that we are capable of giving good care to terminally ill patients without letting them die dangerous deaths. We can think it right that allowing them to die is actually denying them their autonomy, and hence the inherent rights. We should always strive to give perfect care than to kill.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Self Directed Work Teams Architecture Essay
Autonomous Work Teams ( SDWT ) is employ by a big figure of administrations in to sidereal day s society. Manufacturers gift started utilizing this construct of SDWT, which has seen to be a large growing ( Richard, William, and Wilson 1991, 44 ) . Since this police team procedure was foremost studied in 1951 in an Ameri do-nothing organiseplace, it has assistance this procedure to be used in a figure of c at a timerns and industries in which most of these companies atomic number 18 listed in the Fortune 500 companies ( Junior-grade 2008, 2 ) . Directors who require their company s policy to be up to day of the month lead be trusting on subdivisions in an SDWT to help with company policy and farther developments for specific countries ( Richard, William, and Wilson 1991, 52 ) . Directors will trust to cognize how this team procedure will profit them and the administration they be chokeing in. Harmonizing to Caramanica, Ferris, and Little, an SDWT offer assorted benefits ( Caramanica, Ferris and Sm altogether 2001, 77 ) . Therefore directors must turn fall out a strong apprehension of an SDWT to understand the procedure and the tyrannical impact it has in the administration. This essay shows the definition of an SDWT, effectivity of SDWT, critical ideas, and a opinion of the critical reappraisal.SDWTs cigaret be defined in galore(postnominal) ways. Harmonizing to Irani, an SDWT is a diverse group of people with incompatible attitudes, discoverments and personalities, to contrive together towards common concern ends ( Irani, Choudrie and Love 2002, 596 ) . Similar, Mullen states that, an SDWT is a group of persons jointly obligated for carry throughing a set of projections and memorizeing from their joint activities ( Mullen 1992, 43 ) . It means a group people who portion choke loads, train for each one other, and accomplish marks within an administration without holding a supervisor card over them. Members of the SDWT listen to their team members and voice their sentiments freely without holding to be criticized ( Attaran and Nguyen 2000, 25 ) . The squad evaluates and design work procedures and are responsible accredited procedures within an administration ( Attaran and Nguyen 2000, 25 ) . Members allocate undertakings to team members to finish. Simply they finish undertakings without holding any eng whilement of a high positioned employee such as a supervisor ( Versteeg 2007, 1 ) .The intent of making an SDWT is to better cleverness and effectivity of a squad s undertaking. SDWT Teams vex been found to truly rough-and-ready by look for workers. It leads to a decreased figure of hierarchies and more duty presumption to each unity squad member ( McShane and Travaglione 2007, 297 ) . SDWTs subscribe been developed over clip and are seen as a winner scheme to help employees to come on in productiveness and efficiency. Employees work together on a day-to-day footing and make validatory connexions surrounded by members. They are committed to marks which is outstanding to employees compared to the administration ( Foote and Lang 2008, 936 ) . An SDWT can assist come on efficiency an persons understanding of their work which related to their fellow members and sharing control and seeking the best agencies of a undertaking ( Mullen 1992, 44 ) . Research conducted Mullen showed that an Automobile works created by General Motors have 150 SDWTs in their production lines ( Mullen 1992, 44 ) . Teams were in bond with each other squad meetings prior so follow their understandings onto the production line.In tralatitious administrations, employees are given undertakings and normally stop up with same(p) occupation forever. However in an SDWT, persons embrace the constructs of multi skilling and Job rotary gesticulate ( Richard, William, and Wilson 1991, 47 ) . The effectivity of SDWT benefits the administration in a figure of ways. stop public presentation, portion duty, higher committedness and public presentation, advances to do healthy public presentation and quality ( Caramanica, Ferris and Small 2001, 77 ) . Research conducted by Irani, Sharp, and Kagioglou stated that traditionalistic work subdivision squads in Velden Engineering ( UK ) were non independent and this lead the groups to outbid each other. This was seen as been uneffective and so they refractory to set into pattern the habit of SDWT through educational Sessionss. Classs were held to obtain employees contact in a SDWT ( Irani, Sharp, and Kagioglou 1997, 202 ) . Results showed that these categories organised by direction were effectual for the administration. Communication, squad consciousness, and readying were seen to be an cash advance. This shows how effectual SDWT in the administrations is and the huge sum of betterment it brings in.As mentioned before research on Velden Engineering ( UK ) execution of SDWTs had a big consequence on the administration. It was conducted in 19 95 and was proven to demo that SDWT was reusable to utilize in the administration ( Irani, Sharp, and Kagioglou 1997, 202 ) . The research is non reliable for in-between directors in Australia because of the clip the research was conducted. At that clip, the article references that persons were usage to the traditional work squad and holding been introduced to a new squad procedure that whitethorn hold caused their committedness to work to better. The research conducted did non present a freehanded background of cultural or incompatible age grouped persons. As the research claims it was effectual and does non advert who the participants were. It whitethorn be that Velden Engineering may hold had a peculiar group of race.Research conducted in the previous(predicate) 1995 in an Asset Team which was portion of Chevrons Western Production ( Attaran and Nguyen 2000, 27 ) . Persons had antecedently operated in a traditional hierarchal system. They did non hold seemly employee enga gement or adequate teamwork. This lead those to develop an SDWT and handling the positive(p) squad as a whole squad. Each squad had a balance of accomplishments, leading and expertness. The squads relied on each other and non on their supervisors ( Attaran and Nguyen 2000, 27 ) . The research is reliable for in-between directors in Australia callable to the fact that huge scopes of employees were fix into the squads with different background of lore and expertness. Attaran and Nguyen purpose was for the squads to do usage of the new cognition and accomplishments they had attained from other squad members in esteem to utilizing new engineering ( Attaran and Nguyen 2000, 28 ) . Persons who were non put into squads were non able to develop cognition and were lead to doing determination without other single sentiments. It s a valid usher for directors to utilize to implement an SDWT into their administration. The fact that employees were assorted into squads with each single hold ing each an expertness.Simone Kauffeld conducted a research on 140 companies in which 241 employees were in a traditional work squad and 278 in a SDWT ( Kauffeld 2006, 6 ) . Management learnd which groups to include. There were more big(a) females in SDWT than a traditional squad and extra unskilled persons in SDWT than traditional. This resulted in demoing that SDWT were non introduced in companies with specially qualified employees ( Kauffeld 2006, 7 ) . Teams were given group activities and a subject to discourse. Teams were videoed and observed by a trainer. However the direction assessed the checklist for all 44 SDWT all together. Result showed that SDWT is more competent on sevensome out of 12 facets of competency. That means that they were competent in finishing the undertakings and were up to(p) of working better than traditional work squads. SDWT in the research showed that they were enkindle in organizing undertakings to accomplish an reply.Research was conducted on a base pulverisation fabricating site which had two installations. Researches determined the difference between deserving incorrupt principles of machine operators. One installation used an SDWT and the other installation used a traditional work squad. 169 out of 250 from Site A were put into a SDWT and 83 out of 146 were put into a traditional work squad. 252 out of 396 ( full site ) had completed the studies ( junior et al 2008, 4 ) . 79 % were male, 25 % between the ages of 27 and 35, and 67 % were between the ages of 36 and 55 ( Petty et al. 2008, 52 ) . Facilities had between 18 and 30 persons in each squad. Team utilizing SDWT were found to be organized and each member acquired new accomplishments from other co-workers. In Site B, they used a traditional construction. The site consisted of a top-down authorization ( Petty et al. 2008, 53 ) and were employees were each individual was assigned to task related to their accomplishment. Consequences showed that SDWT scored h igher than traditional squads. They were reliable, cooperative and considerate at work. SDWT was seen to be the less cost bring forthing in the administration ( Petty et al. 2008, 56 )After reading a scope of diaries related to SDWT, we can judge on how accurate the researches are. As once more it was mentioned that Irani, Sharp, and Kagioglou research on Velden Engineering ( UK ) started in 1995 is non dependable to spirit directors in Australia due to the fact that they had non mentioned a broad assortment of different cultural background nor did they advert the age groups in Velden Engineering. The age of journal is non large concern but due to the fact that they did non advert age or ethnicity does convey out some opinion. However it can be used as a usher to portray its effectivity and betterment in an administration.Research on Chevrons plus squad is found to be a dependable to middle directors in Australia. As mentioned before, each squad had a broad scope of cognition and expertness. In which this resulted each person to larn from these experts and better their accomplishment. This assists them to place telephone circuits in the proficient country of Chevron. Each squad communicated to other squads and their old wont of outbidding and viing was eliminated. At first there were defeats between squad members and new day-to-day modus operandi for persons ( Attaran and Nguyen 2000, 32 ) . However this is job was appreciate by counsel squad and attempt was put in to decide the sleep togethers.Kauffelds research on 140 companies proved to be really effectual in the activities each squad had completed. A broad scope of workers with different age groups, ethnicities were included in the research. An issue that may hold triggered employees to be given better was that they were been videoed and observed by a professional trainer. Thus it could hold caused the squads to work harder as they believed the recording would hold been shown later to direction. It i s minor issue and should nt be seen as a large issue. However there are other issues that may hold triggered the consequences to be high. The fact that their were more adult females in SDWT than traditional, SDWT was non introduced in companies with specially qualified employees ( Kauffeld 2006, 7 ) , more SDWT than traditional work squad companies involved either used SDWT or traditional in which some administrations may hold had hapless on the job conditions and others a good working conditions. Besides direction decided which groups to include. These issues pointed out still may hold caused the consequences to drop but it should non be seen as large quandary. This research is non effectual and dependable for in-between directors in Australia to utilize.Research ( Petty et al.2008 ) on the two installations in the paper factory site is a good illustration of the differences of holding a SDWT and a traditional work squad. The consequences show that SDWT is dependable, less cost bri ng forthing, and good for the administration. However the research worker may hold considered utilizing a different scope of groups and taken persons from different industries instead than the paper factory. It was mentioned that research workers were merely given throttle entree to research topics that were granted by company functionaries. The research can be used by in-between directors in Australian who aspiration to implement SDWT within their administration. Consequences may hold differed if full entree was given to researches and they had included persons from other industries.Overall we can see the effectivity of SDWT and good it is for administration and in-between directors in Australia. ( Petty et al. 2008 ) research on the paper factory site was found to be the most dependable due to the fact that it compared SDWT and traditional squads in which it pointed out the benefits it gained. Their purpose was to detect which squad was successful for the administration in whic h in was found that SDWT was extremely good. Directors who do make up ones mind to implement SDWT within their administration will see an betterment for both their employee and concern.From reading a broad scope of diaries sing to SDWT, we have indentified the benefits, the effectivity, and research workers position of SDWT. The purpose was to indentify the effectivity of SDWT. From mentioning to different diary articles, it s been possible to demo how effectual it is for Australian bone marrow directors and its administration. Reviewing diaries and comparison has besides assisted on how effectual SDWT is.
Fractional Distillation Essay
AbstractAn equimolar mixture of cyclohexane and toluene was dislocated by simple and separateal distillment, apply an empty newspaper column and a copper wash column respectively. Using helium as the lively phase, the distillate was analyzed through attack chromatography. The calculated HETP for the simple distillation was 8.274 cm/ home office and the 3.332 cm/plate for the fractional distillation.Experimental subprogramA copper packed fractional-distillation column was obtained and an apparatus was assembled for fractional distillation. quartet clean, dry fraction collectors were obtained and labeled HETP, fraction 1, fraction 2, and fraction 3 respectively. A volume of 40.0 mL of an equimolar mixture of cyclohexane and toluene was added to a 100.0-mL lash out bottom flask attached to the end of the distillation column. Heating chips were added to the complete bottom flask in order to speed up the thawing process. The 100.0-mL round bottom flask, along with the distill ation column was attached to a ring stand over a soup up source. The mixture was fine heated to a boil. The first five drops were collected in the vial labeled HETP. The liquid for vial 1 began collecting when the temperature was 60 C and continued until it was 85 C. Vial 2 began collecting when the temperature was 86C and continued until it was 99 C. Vial 3 was collected at mode temperature once the remaining liquid cooled. A volume of 1 micro-liter of sever exclusivelyy fraction, including the HEPT was added to the gas chromatography apparatus separately in order for each fraction to be analyzed. For simple distillation, the similar procedure was followed using an empty, clean, and dry column.selective informationTable 1 Simple Distillation ValuesVariablesHETPFraction 1Fraction 2Pot quietustemporary worker range, C-60-8586-100-Empty Vials & cap, g5.45316.84216.48216.842Vial & contents, g5.57828.32330.21123.311Mass of fraction, g0.12511.48113.7296.469 study GC outpouring for Cy93.9461.2430.430 recounting messiness Cy, g104.2767.97633.7770% mass Cy93.3692.6349.550 developed mass Cy, g0.116710.6356.8030Actual ramparts Cy0.001390.126.08080Area GC peak Tol6.684.8730.9874.33Relative mass Tol, g7.0145.113532.52978.047% mass Toluene6.647.3750.45100Actual mass Tol, g0.008384.6156.9266.469Actual moles Tol0.000090.91770.07510.0702Table 2 Fractional Distillation Values (Copper Sponge newspaper column) VariablesHETPFraction 1Fraction 2Pot ResidueTemp range, C67-7071-8586-100-Empty Vials & cap, g5.30416.52815.73616.031Vial & contents, g5.41227.14725.26026.200Mass of fraction, g0.10810.6199.52410.169Area GC peak for Cy49.4378.2240.000Relative mass Cy, g54.86786.82444.40% mass Cy99.588.7663.560Actual mass Cy, g0.10759.4256.0530Actual moles Cy0.00130.1120.06570Area GC peak Tol0.19.9022.9457.86Relative mass Tol, g0.10510.39524.08760.753% mass Toluene0.511.2436.44100Actual mass Tol, g0.00051.1943.47110.169Actual moles Tol0.0000050.01290.03760.1103DiscussionThe Northe rn Pines chemical substance Company specializes in manufacturing chemicals from forest products such as turpentine. To obtain pure -pinene, it must be separated, using fractional distillation, from the other major(ip) component turpentine, -pinene. This company would like to fuddle to a cheaper and longer-lasting packing literal. The objective of this experiment was to separate an equimolar mixture of cyclohexane and toluene by simple and fractional distillation, using an empty column and a copper sponge column respectively. The distillate was analyzed through gas chromatography, using helium as the mobile phase. Helium is a goodly mobile phase because it acts as an unreactive carrier-gas that pushes the samples through the chromatogram. This information was utilise to determine which packing material is about effective by comparison HETP orders which based on the number of theoretical plates each material provides. Using the copper sponge as packing material in the fractio nal distillation column provided a very effective insulation of cyclohexane and toluene.The calculated HETP for simple distillation was 8.274 cm/plate and 3.332 cm/plate for fractional distillation. The fractional distillation was more effective because it had a lour HETP value which means that it has a higher number of theoretical plates for the same column length as the simple distillation. When comparing the purity of the major cyclohexane-rich fraction with the starting mixture (the equimolar mixture of cyclohexane and toluene) of each distillation the packing material improved efficiency by more than six percent. one(a) way to recover cyclohexane with even greater purity would be to heat the starting mixture slowly and steadily instead of rapidly, allowing better insularism of the components.Another way to improve purity is to make sure the column is properly packed (not too tight) and insulated. Different packing materials will involve diverse efficiency for distillation and therefore takings different HETP values. The most efficient packing material used was rascing rings, which provided an HETP of 2.67 cm/plate. The copper sponge material had an HETP value of 3.3 cm/plate, followed by glass beads and spiral copper with 7.5cm/plate and galvanized steel with 12.5 cm/plate. Packing the Northern Pines Chemical Companys 3ft fractionating column with rascing rings would provide 34.2 plates, which meets the minimum demand for separating - and -pinene.Exercises1) HETP=height/platesPorcelain saddles 5 cm= (15 cm )/(x )=3 platesGlass tubing 15 cm= (15 cm )/x=1 plateVigreux Column 8 cm= (24 cm)/x=3 platesTotal plates= 3+3+1-1(boiling flask) = 6 plates2) The HETP value and efficiency of separation can be bear upon by experimental errors. A) If the HETP sample was collected midway through the distillation, the mole fraction of cyclohexanetoluene would be much lower, which would in turn yield a higher HETP value. B) If all of the liquid distilled within 5 legal proceeding of heating, a higher HETP value would be found again because all of the toluene would be distilled as well. This also means poor separation. C) If deuce packed columns were stacked over the boiling flask instead of one, the HETP value remain the same if the columns were identical because the height and number of plates would be the same.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Epidemiology: Global and Public Health Essay
The character of this paper is to describe the history of creation wellness, including pertinent dates and signifi stick outt events and the various aspects of public and participation-establish wellness. humans wellness is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting wellness through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and common soldier, communities and individuals (Winslow, 1920). It is touch with threats to health based on population health digest. The population in question can be as small as a handful of good deal or as large as all the inhabitants of several continents (for instance, in the case of a pandemic). The dimensions of health can encompass a dry land of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, as defined by the get together Nations World health Organization. open health incorporates the interdisciplinary approaches of epidemi ology, biostatistics and health service. environmental health, community health, behavioral health and occupational health are early(a)(a) important subfields.The focalise of public health intervention is to improve health and quality of life through the prevention and treatment of disease and other physical and mental health conditions, through surveillance of cases and the promotion of hefty behaviors. Promotion of hand washing and breastfeeding, delivery of vaccinations, and the distribution of condoms to control the afford of sexually transmitted diseases are examples of common public health measures. The origins of the earth wellness inspection and repair can be traced to the passage of an act in 1798 that provided for the fear and relief of sick and injured merchant seamen. Reorganization in 1870 converted the loose network of locally controlled hospitals into a centrally controlled shipboard soldier Hospital Service, with its headquarters in Washington, D.C. The posit ion of Supervising sawbones (later Surgeon General) was created to administer the Service, and John Maynard Woodworth was appointed as the outgrowth incumbent in1871.The accredited officer corps (now known as the Commissioned corps of the U.S. Public Health Service or the Public Health Service Commissioned corps) was established by rule in 1889. At first open only to physicians, over the course of the twentieth century, the Corps spread out to include veterinarians, dentists, Physician Assistants, sanitary engineers, pharmacists, nurses, sanitarians, scientists, and other health professionals. quarantine was to begin with a state function rather than federal, but the national Quarantine mo of 1878 vested quarantine authority to the maritime Hospital Service and the subject field Board of Health. The National Board was not reauthorized by Congress in 1883 and its powers reverted to the Marine Hospital Service. Over the next half a century, the Marine Hospital Service increasin gly took over quarantine functions from state authorities. As immigration increased dramatically in the late nineteenth century, the federal official Government also took over the processing of immigrants from the states, beginning in 1891.Because of the broadening responsibilities of the Service, its name was changed in 1902 to the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, and again in 1912 to just the Public Health Service. As the century progressed, PHS commissioned officers served their country by controlling the spread of contagious diseases such as smallpox and yellow fever, conducting important biomedical research, regulating the food and do drugs supply, providing health care to underserved groups, supplying medical assist in the aftermath of disasters, and in numerous other ways. Today the mission of the Commissioned Corps of the PHS is Protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the Nation. The Public Health Service Act of 1944 structured the United States Public Health Service (PHS) as the primary division of the subdivision of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), which later became the United States Department of Health and Human Services.As one of the United States seven render services, the PHS Commissioned Corps fills public health leadership and service roles inwardly federal government agencies and programs. The PHS Commissioned Corps includes officers drawn from many professions, including environmental and occupational health, medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, psychology, social work, hospital administration, health record administration, nutrition, engineering, science, veterinary, health entropy technology, and other health-relatedoccupations. Agencies within the Public Health Service are * presidential term for Children and Families (ACF)* government on Aging (AoA)* Agency for Healthcare Research and prime(prenominal) (AHRQ)* Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)* Centers for Disease Control and barroom (CDC)* Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)* Federal Occupational Health (FOH)* Food and Drug giving medication (FDA)* Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)* Indian Health Service (IHS)* National Institutes of Health (NIH)* Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)According to CHHS (2007), The California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) oversees xii departments and one board that provide a range of health care services, social services, mental health services, alcohol and drug treatment services, income assistance and public health services to Californians from all walks of life. Major programs include no-cost and cheap health care coverage for low-income Californians (Medi-Cal) income support for the aged, blind or alter (SSI/SSP) income support for CalWORKs recipients, low-cost public health insurance (Healthy Families) for children from working families. another(prenominal) large programs administe red by CHHS departments include food stamps, child welfare services, in-home substantiative services, support for the developmentally disabled, foster care, mental health services, drug and alcohol treatment, and vocational rehabilitation. CHHS directly serves millions of Californians in health and human service programs, plot touching the lives of all Californians through statewide efforts such as public health protection and emergency preparedness and response.Public Health breast feeding radiation diagram is the entailment of nursing speculation and public health theory applied to promoting and preserving the health of populations. The focus of practice is the community as a whole and the effect of the communitys health status (resources) on the health of individuals,families, and groups. Care is provided within the context of preventing disease and disability, and promoting and protecting the health of the community as a whole (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). It is mainly compo sed of the pastime areas Behavioral Science/Health Education, Biostatistics, Emergency Medical Services, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Health Services Administration/Management, International/Global Health, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Public Health Laboratory Practice, Public Health Policy, Public Health Practice (What Is Public Health?, n.d.). connection Health Nursing Practice is the synthesis of nursing theory and public health theory applied to promoting, preserving, and maintaining the health of populations through the delivery of personal health care services to individuals, families, and groups. The focus of practice is to preserve the health of individuals, families, and groups and the effect of their health status on the health status of the community as a whole (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). Community nursing works with the individual in hospitals, nursing homes, home healthcare, and hospice. Nurses in this field work in government and private agencies, cli nics, and other private settings. They focus on populations, working with individuals, groups, and families to improve the overall health of communities. They recrudesce about health care issues, disease prevention, nutrition, and childcare, and also work with community leaders, teachers, parents, and physicians in community health education.In conclusion, public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations. Its vision is Healthy People in Healthy Communities. Its mission is to Promote Physical and Mental Health and obstruct Disease, Injury, and Disability. This is accomplished by preventing epidemics and the spread of disease protecting against environmental hazards preventing injuries promoting and supporting(a) healthy behaviors responding to disasters and assists communities in recovery and, assures the quality and accessibility of health services. through public education, health promotion and disease prevention, the public will arrive at the opportu nity to take control of their own personal health. Research and analysis help to guide recommendations and teaching. As new information is discovered, the teaching for health promotion changes. Public health is put into action bylegislation and political acts. Community healthcare may be for profit, nonprofit or government run healthcare delivery systems for individuals. Policy and recommendations are done through public health and delivered through community health. Public health nursing is vital to the health and well-being of the nation as a whole.ReferencesCHHS. (2007). Retrieved from http//, M., & Lancaster, J. (2008). Population-centered health care in the community (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO Mosby Elsevier. U.S. Department of Health &Human Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from http// What is Public Health?. (n.d.). Retrieved from http// Winslow, Charles-Edward Amory (1920 Jan 9). Th e Untilled Fields of Public Health. Science 51 (1306) 2333).
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